The future belongs to those who belive in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt

Завдання для 6 класу

Тема "Sport"

There are lots of different kinds of sports and games. We can divide them into the different groups. For example winter and summer sports (слайд 11),indoor and outdoor sports(12),team games and individual sports(13). Work in pairs. Classify these sports into the following groups.

Hockey, skating, skiing, sledging, figure skating, ski jumping, swimming, boating, cycling, football, cricket, volleyball, basketball, badminton, boxing, gymnastics, track and field events, aerobics, martial arts, table tennis, chess, baseball, golf, handball, jogging, ballooning, camping, car-racing, domino, horse racing, running, windsurfing.

Winter Sports
Summer sports
Team games
Individual sports

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